Lamesley Reedbeds and Field Walks.


I managed to take Poppy out for a quick little walk today before the storms came and the rain descended. I’m so pleased that 1. I wasn't out in it because I’d look like a drowned rat, and 2. That it’s actually raining. It’s just so humid at the moment and the air is so muggy (if that’s even a word.) We need a nice bit of downpour to cool this place down. Am I right? Well, enough of the weather talk.

My car is in the garage at the moment so I thought we’d just go for a wander next to where I live. I've said before that I live on a nature reserve. I wish it was the kind that had badgers and otters, or any other kind of wildlife, but it isn't really. Or maybe it is but they just stay nice and hidden, so that I don't go chasing them with my camera. I've spotted the odd squirrel and deer a few times, but the likelihood of seeing them on your average dog walk is quite slim.

We walked the fields for a bit. I ran ahead taking photos of pretty much every flower/tree/shrub we came across. Poppy followed behind and took treats every so often.

After I kind of exhausted that activity we crossed the road and headed to Lamesley Reedbeds. The reedbeds are basically a scheme that has been put in place to try and clean the river Team amongst other things. I don’t know the whole story, but the reeds are used to help sustain the water. They also house various wildlife. (my fave thing) I managed to just read a snippet on the board that was there. Most of it was burnt.

The place hasn't really been looked after. Maybe when it was first started it would have been great. There are viewing platforms and things, but everything is overgrown so you can’t see anything. There’s a lot of vandalism too. I just went over for a little look though and despite certain parts being a bit unkempt I still liked the walk. There’s a bridge bit going over the river, which is always a plus .Poppy was more than happy to play in the puddles too.

We sat for a bit on the graffiti stained benches and just thought about things for a while. Well I did, Poppy was just wondering about her next treat. It's been a bit of a hard week and there's patches when I just want to sit by myself and reflect. There wasn't another soul in sight which was great. Poppy never fails to cheer me up either, so it's all good.

Have any of you been walking recently?

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